The Daily Mile
A challenge to both staff and students is to walk the Daily Mile.
To complete a mile at college, you need only to walk the following paths.
BROXBOURNE - Four times around the foothpath of the campus.
WARE - Twice around the road surrounding the college. [This means twice up the hill, but that's good for the calves! It also has a Pokestop on route.]
You have plenty of reasons to do this.
- The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Congress state that walking a mile a day can add up to seven years to your lifespan.
- This is a habit that takes less than 20 minutes. It should take you roughly 12-20 minutes to walk a mile if you’re walking with purpose.
- It’ll wake you up faster than a cup of coffee.
- It’ll allow you to plan out your day and be more productive. Use your mile to plan out how you’re going to be MORE productive. What’s the first thing you’re going to do when you get to the office? What are you going to eat for lunch? What time are you going to work out? What three important tasks are you going to accomplish today?
- Walking is an anti-depressant. If you are feeling down, a simple walk can make a notable difference.
See you there.