In reading this and enrolling at the college you have agreed to abide by this code of conduct

The student code of conduct is to help YOU succeed and to make YOUR college a SAFE place to LEARN.

 As a member of the college you MUST:


 1: Wear your ID cards at all times and ensure it is visible, and if requested, hand it to a member of staff for inspection. Do not allow others to use your ID and do not help others to enter the college without ID.

2: Do not wear hoods in college.

3: Never bring alcohol or weapons into the college.

4: Observe the colleges “no drugs” and “no smoking” policies, smoking may only be permitted in the designated smoking areas at each campus.

5: Show respect for college property and use college buildings and equipment safely and carefully.

6: Show respect for all students, visitors and college staff at all times, always respect the rights and views of others.

7: Follow college rules and act in a way that maintains the college’s good reputation by respecting residents in our local community and acting appropriately in the local area

8: Never use abusive language or display behaviour which is aggressive, violent or in any way threatening to any person in the college at any time. 

9: Anybody caught stealing from any department or anywhere else in the college will be excluded and may face possible legal action taken

10: Make sure your tutor has your correct contact details, if your phone number or address change.

11: Follow health and safety procedures and guidelines.

12: Follow the College’s IT Code of Practice.



1: Inform the college immediately if you are going to be late or absent.

2: Be on time and be prepared for all sessions on your timetable, remember to bring the equipment you need to lessons. 

3: Meet all deadlines and targets for your work and complete it to the very highest standard you are able to.

4: Make sure all work is your own. Do not cheat or plagiarise (copy) other people’s work.

5: Do not text or make phone calls in classrooms or study areas.

6: Follow instructions from staff during lessons and on college premises, and help create a safe environment where everyone can learn.

Last modified: Friday, 1 September 2017, 3:27 PM